mandag den 21. maj 2007

Du ved at du er nørd når...

Jeg faldt lige over denne liste på (Anne-Sofie Nielsens side).
Titlen er "You know you are a nerd..."

Mine favorit eksempler fra siden er:

- You know you are a nerd when asked to give your address, you don't think twice before rattling off your e-mail address instead of your postal address.

- You know you are a nerd when the TV stopped working a month ago and you didn't notice.

- You know you are a nerd when your dog has his own homepage.

- You know you are a nerd when you didn't know what your boy/girlfriend looked like until he/she sent you a pic.

- You know you are a nerd when you can find the tilde (~) key without looking down.

- You know you are a nerd when you respond to "get a life!" with "what's the URL?"

- You know you are a nerd when you leave a hotel early in the morning, and you walk up to the receptionist and say: "good morning, I would like to logout".

- You know you are a nerd when you look at new computers like they were fast cars...
(Oh man look at that: A pentum II 300MHZ with 128MB of ram... man that baby humms...)

- You know you are a nerd when people ask you your favourite colour and you answer "#fce503"

- You know you are a nerd when you'd rather have more dots per inch than miles pr. gallon.

- You know you are a nerd when someone you don't know calls an IDIOT a nerd and you stop to explain to them what a nerd REALLY is.

- You know you are a nerd when you're sleeping, then wake up to find one of your friends laughing at you. You then ask why, and they say that you were typing in your dreams and mumbling something about C++.

- You know you are a nerd when tech support calls you for help.

- You know you are a nerd when your tombstone reads 'Connection terminated: System has stopped responding.'

- You know you are a nerd when in the morning you go to your computer before you go to the bathroom.

- You know you are a nerd when you have a list of ways you can tell if you are a nerd.

Ud fra egen erfaring kan jeg også umiddelbart komme på denne her:

Du ved, at du er nørd, når du har mere end 3 computere pr. beboer i din lejlighed.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sagde ...

Hmmm 3 computere pr. person, hvad skal man dog bruge så mange maskiner til?

Men er rart at opdage at man ikke er helt så meget nørd som jeg ellers troede. Selv om jeg ikke helt tror den antagelse holder :)

Anonym sagde ...

Du mener - man er en nørd, når man har tre computere, som alle fungerer, og hver især udfører deres opgaver til fuld tilfredshed, men man har *ingen* ide om hvor de fysisk befinder sig i lejligheden :)